TheAnxiety.Clinic Workshops

Workshops for Mental Health Professionals

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Our Current Workshops

Speciality in Anxiety Management Certificate (Package of AWP, MMW, and NPW Workshops)

The following three one-day, 6.5-hour continuing education workshops are the three required segments that, upon completion, you will be awarded the Speciality in Anxiety Manamgnet (SAM) certification. The SAM certificate is a total of three days training (19.5 hours of continuing education credits).

  • Practical Treatments for Anxiety and Panic Attacks (AWP)
  • Mindful Meditation as Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, and Addiction (MMW)
  • Integrating the Science of Neuroplasticity Into Your Counselling (NPW)

Although recommended you complete these course in the order listed (AWP, MMW, and NPW) this order is not mandatory. Upon completion of each segment, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as a record of your 6.5 hours of continuing education. The certificate represents a full 19.5 hours of CEU’s.

Practical Treatments for Anxiety & Panic Attacks (AWP)

Segment One of the Speciality Certificate in Anxiety Managment (SAM)

These segments are ideally taken together and in the order listed (but not required).  A separate certificate is issued for each 6.5 hours segment of continuing education, and the SAM Specialty Certificate is upon successful completion of all three segments.

Program Outline:

This is a interactive workshop that aims to provide doctors, therapists and front line access workers with a proven tool kit to help patients/clients end their panic attacks and self-manage their anxiety and stress levels. This program does not aim to examine diagnostic criteria or pharmacological treatment, (although resource material will be provided) but rather seeks to provide a proven set of practical hands-on tools and strategies by using interactive lectures, dyads, group work and case studies.

Learning Objectives:

  • Achieve a baseline or above competency in five primary maintenance techniques
  • Achieve a baseline or above competency in two interventional skills
  • Enhancement of the efficacy of provider/patient communication
  • Develop a conversational framework to teach patients how to separate, contextualize, and befriend their anxiety
  • Techniques* include Mindful Meditation, EFT, Cardiac Coherence and Pranayama, Emotional Guidance Scale, Patient Communication Strategies including the use of metaphor and reframing, and delivering psychoeducation.

*Some of these modalities are suitable in the treatment of depression – concurrent or otherwise

Mindful Meditation as Treatment for Anxiety, Depression & Addictions (MMW)

Segment Two of the Speciality Certificate in Anxiety Managment (SAM)

These segments are ideally taken together and in the order listed (but not required). A separate certificate is issued for each 6.5 hours segment of continuing education, and the SAM Specialty Certificate is upon successful completion of all three segments.

Program Outline:

This is a very interactive workshop that aims to provide front line workers such as social workers, therapists, and doctors with the personal experience and practical tools to integrate mindful meditation into their client’s/patients treatment plans. Participants will be taught basic meditation techniques, and in the teaching experience, we will illustrate how to deliver Mindful Meditation as a critical component of a wellness plan – particularly in the context of anxiety, depression, and addiction.

Learning Objectives:

Understanding the therapeutic implication of Mindful Meditation through personal experience
Knowledge of how to integrate Mindful Meditation into a therapeutic treatment
Develop a conversational framework to teach patients/clients how to value and integrate Mindful Meditation as valuable tool in their recovery plan
Access shared resources for the development of a personal practice of Mindful Meditation and utilize these resources for patient/client care
Feel competent in teaching basic meditation skills to clients/patients

Integrating The Science of Neuroplasticity into Your Counselling (NPW)

Segment Three of the Speciality Certificate in Anxiety Managment (SAM)

These segments are ideally taken together and in the order listed (but not required). A separate certificate is issued for each 6.5 hours segment of continuing education, and the SAM Specialty Certificate is upon successful completion of all three segments.

An Introductory Workshop

This workshop will give you an understanding of the plastic nature of our brains, and how you, as a therapist, coach or counsellor can tap into this nature both directly and indirectly. In understanding the basic concepts of neuroplasticity, you will learn how to craft your interactions, teachings, and exercises in a client-centric manner, to guide your patients and clients to create the kind of change in their world they have come to you to achieve. Tapping into our neuroplastic abilities is the key in helping others overcome depression, anxiety and addictions. We will talk about all three of these challenges and how to add to, or modify current treatments for best practices and positive practical outcomes.

Suitable for:

  • Social Workers & Social Service Workers
  • Teachers and Workshop LeadersDoctors in Family Practice
  • Counselling Psychiatrists, Psychologists &Psychotherapists
  • Front Line and Direct Access workers
  • Life and Executive Coaches

Speaker Training | Train the Trainer (TTT)

Program Outline:

This a jam packed, 3-day, intensive, and highly participatory workshop in which you will learn and master a proven speaking template used by the best in the business – world class public speakers, workshop leaders and teachers.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the day you will be able to:

  • Be a commanding and respected presence
  • Enrol and engage any audience
  • Develop trust and loyalty in your audience
  • Deliver information in a fun and compelling performance
  • Ensure your audience both LEARNS and RETAINS

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Workshop presenters or leaders
  • Mangers/Researchers who present
  • Teachers, Professors and Instructors
  • Employees or Management who do corporate presentations
  • Corporate Trainers
  • Sales Leaders and Trainers
  • Anyone with Anxiety about speaking to groups
  • Students and Class Presentations

Practical Treatments for Anxiety & Panic Attacks – Downloadable Video Workshop (AWPv)

Segment One of the Speciality Certificate in Anxiety Managment (SAM)

Program Outline:

This is a downloadable video workshop that aims to provide doctors, therapists and front line access workers with a proven tool kit to help patients/clients end their panic attacks and self-manage their anxiety and stress levels. This program does not aim to examine diagnostic criteria or pharmacological treatment, (although resource material will be provided) but rather seeks to provide a proven set of practical hands-on tools and strategies by using interactive lectures, dyads, group work and case studies.

Learning Objectives:

  • Achieve a baseline or above competency in five primary maintenance techniques
  • Achieve a baseline or above competency in two interventional skills
  • Enhancement of the efficacy of provider/patient communication
  • Develop a conversational framework to teach patients how to separate, contextualize, and befriend their anxiety
  • Techniques* include Mindful Meditation, EFT, Cardiac Coherence and Pranayama, Emotional Guidance Scale, Patient Communication Strategies including the use of metaphor and reframing, and delivering psychoeducation.

*Some of these modalities are suitable in the treatment of depression – concurrent or otherwise

Get in touch


On the Campus of
The University of Toronto
47 Queens Park East, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C3

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