Register For A Workshop
Scroll down to find the workshop you’re interested in. Click to begin registration process.
Certification in the Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP)
Master the art of helping clients end their panic attacks and manage their anxiety. This certificate gives you 3 full days of training (either consecutively or over a year) of our 3 most powerful courses all designed to treat anxiety and depression. (AWP, MMW, NPW). Save a $100.00 on booking separately and receive a single receipt for CEU rebates where applicable like the SWSSWPD Fund. You may take these 3 days over a year period if unable to take consecutively.
Practical Treatments to End Panic Attacks & Manage Anxiety (ARP)
7 hours 30 minutes
This practical workshop is a full-day (6.5 hours of continuing education credits) covers the ARP, suitable for mental health workers including doctors, psychologists/psychotherapists, social workers/social service workers, and anyone provides care or support for those who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. $249.00 + HST
Mindful Meditation as Treatment for Anxiety/Depression & Addictions (MMW)
7 hours 30 minutes
This practical workshop is a full-day (6.5 hours of continuing education credits) suitable for mental health workers including doctors, psychologists/psychotherapists, social workers/social service workers, and anyone provides care or support for those who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. $249.00 + HST
Integrating The Science of Neuroplasticity into Your Counselling & Coaching (NWP)
7 hours 30 minutes
This practical workshop is a full-day (6.5 hours of continuing education credits) suitable for mental health workers including doctors, psychologists/psychotherapists, social workers/social service workers, and anyone provides care or support for those who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. $249.00 + HST
Public Speaker Training | Train the Trainer (TTT)
19 hours 30 minutes
This practical workshop is a 3-day (19.5 hours of continuing education credits) suitable for anyone who has to present to groups or audiences from 5 to 500! You will learn the wrold’s most powerful speaking template that will empower you to deliver an engaging presentation of any nature to any crowd! By day three we will have coached you in sculpting your own presentation ready to deliver. Anxious about public speaking – this is taught by Todd Kaufman, Toronto’s Anxiety Specialist $749.00 + HST

Get in touch
On the Campus of
The University of Toronto
47 Queens Park East, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C3