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Counselling and Therapy Toronto
Counselling & Therapy Toronto
From the Founder and Clinical Director:
A Personalized Approach to Solving Your Challenges Quickly and Effectively
That is my promise to you.
No two people are alike – you are unique. I do not provide a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Todd is trained in a multiple of techniques and approaches to address and awaken solutions that WORK Conselling and Therapyfor YOU – Quickly and Effectively!
What type of issues and clients do you work with?
I recognize that it takes a great deal of courage and effort to even consider hiring a therapist, counselor, or coach. You have decided to make a profound investment in yourself. Perhaps it is because you are struggling with some of life’s challenges; relationship difficulties, career changes, depression, marriage problems, anxiety attacks or panic attacks, or are simply ready to create a life of which you are proud. Perhaps you have finally asked yourself, “What kind of legacy am I leaving in this world for my friends and family?” Maybe you are in a relationship and considering marriage and counselling, or a long-term commitment and want to learn practical skills to help ensure your long-term success. My goal is to create a plan with you to overcome your challenges and make the changes in your life that you wish to achieve.
My clients come from all walks of life. Many are just your average person seeking a happier existence. Some are high powered business people negotiating the stress of a corporate life. Others are in relationship and experiencing a few bumps along the road. One or both of the couple may seek counselling. Some clients are suffering from depression, anxiety or panic attacks, or various degrees of agoraphobia. Others have been struggling with their sexuality or gender identification. A few clients are seeking ways to integrate their spirituality with the practical demands of a modern world.
Students, businesspeople, homemakers, community leaders, couples, lone rangers, and entertainers, they all have found a place with me to create better and more powerful lives!
How do I find the one therapist who best can help?
You could invest a great deal of time and money exploring multiple therapists. Frankly, having gone that route at one point in my own life, I learned that it was both expensive and time-consuming. I personally faced and needed to overcome some incredibly difficult and painful issues and events in my life. I wanted change. And I wanted change fast. Ultimately, after great expense in both time and money I worked with a number of multitalented, wise, and profoundly helpful people with various skills and techniques.
So why should I choose you?
There are many talented and well-trained therapists offering counselling and therapy in Toronto for you to choose from. Many of these therapists have spent years developing specialties in one particular method such as psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Many if not all of these approaches are helpful and valid for certain people. So how do you find the right “fit?” I believe it is very rare that only one type of therapy or counselling will provide the solution to your problem.
This is why over the last 30 years I have studied extensively, and learned from some of the wisest, most effective, and some of the most unique therapists and counselors across North America. In the time that you and I spend together I offer you these years of education, and the profound wisdom and learnings others have provided me, to help you move through your challenges and create the life you were born to live. When we design a plan for you I will draw from over a dozen therapeutic approaches in order to create the best and most powerful opportunity for you to achieve the greatest change, and your highest goals, in the shortest amount of time.
Now it is both my turn, and my calling, to use these decades of experience to help you.
I noticed you also do weddings and premarital counselling. Does this mean your counselling is spiritual or religious?
In a word, “no.” I am licensed to perform weddings in the Province of Ontario. I hold a graduate degree from Berkeley, one of the world’s best and most diverse theological universities. My primary focus was counselling. I deeply believe that to support you we must work together and we must do so with a great respect for your beliefs. It does not matter to me what religious affiliation you are, or if you are even affiliated with any religion. You may call yourself spiritual, agnostic, or an atheist. Bottom line, “I’m good with that!” I am here to help, and we will do that in a way that best suits you.
What can I expect?
First, send me a brief e-mail or call me directly and let me hear what is happening in your world. We will set up an initial one hour meeting to discuss your goals and challenges, and I will offer you a clear, concrete, and insightful plan that we may implement together.
In our first meeting we will strategize about various methods and approaches which will best suit your life, your experiences, and your goals.
Watch this short video – Todd teaches psychotherapy and this is a short excerpt from one of his classses:
How long will this take?
Because my approach is unique for each client, and each client goals and challenges differ, there is, like the best therapeutic approaches, no one answer for all clients. I have had clients affect profound change in one or two sessions, and too, I have long term clients who are consistently working on creating profound lives that truly matter in profound ways.
Where do my sessions take place?
Sometimes it is the very fact that we have busy lives that we find ourselves facing challenges. I understand what it takes to make a commitment such as this. I offer private sessions in a conveniently located central Toronto office. If your schedule is such that you need to meet at your office or residence I am willing to work with you within Metropolitan Toronto. We also offer a HouseCalls Program for your home, office or institutional visits.
What if I don’t live in Toronto?
I also offer online counselling via Skype, Telephone and Email. If you are committed, I will help you find the time to achieve your goals. For more information, click here.
How much will this cost?
Let’s be honest with ourselves. If effecting change and overcoming challenges was something you could do on your own, we would all be rich, skinny, and happy! My rates are equivalent to any other professional therapist. However, because I believe in rewarding commitment I do offer inclusive packages for for counselling clients who are committed to longer-term growth. Many years ago when I sought out therapy for some of my issues, I was a flat broke student! There was more than one kind and understanding person who offered me their help on a reduced rate basis. If you are both deeply committed, and in serious financial difficulty, I do reserve some sessions during my week to specifically help you out. The most effective way to make our world a better place is to pass on the kindness of our fellow human beings.
If you question is not answered here…
Call me now at 1-800-699-3396 and I will personally answer it for you, or email me through the contact form at the right.
What do I do next?
Call me directly at 1-800-669-3396 to set up an initial session. Alternatively you may e-mail me at me by clicking HERE.
Customized, Unique, Results Oriented and Confidential
In-person 'Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman' Appointments are available in Toronto, Canada only. This schedule can fill fast, and you may often be able to find a time slot in 'VIRTUAL Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman' when his office times are not available. Please check 'VIRTUAL' appointments f you can not find a time slot else wise
Get in touch
On the Campus of
The University of Toronto
47 Queens Park East, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C3