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Appointment Availability
In-person ‘Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman’ Appointments are available in Toronto, Canada only. This schedule can fill fast. Alternatively, you may be able to find a time slot in ‘VIRTUAL Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman’ when his office times are not available.
Please come back here check ‘VIRTUAL Psychotherapy‘ appointments. (Less than 24 hours? Call to book 1-800-699-3396.)
Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman (Toronto)
$174+ HST 50 minutes
You can book and manage single appointments here. (Blocks of appointments and subscriptions are below). Save time in your session by paying your appointment online when you book your time slot online.
All appointment times once booked, can be self-managed (changed or canceled) up to 24 hours before the session. Use the link provided in your confirmation email.
PS: Blocks of 12 appointments and subscriptions can be booked at the bottom of this page.
VIRTUAL Psychotherapy with Todd Kaufman
174+ HST 50 Minutes
Secure Telemedicine. Go to 10 minute before your appointment and wait in the virtual waiting room.
Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP) Program:
Includes 10, one-on-one sessions with Toronto’s Anxiety Specialist Todd Kaufman, RP
$1650 + HST
This program includes all materials (print and online), workshops as scheduled and 10 one-on-one private sessions with Todd Kaufman, RP, Toronto’s Anxiety Specialist. All sessions take place at TheAnxiety.Clinic’s Toronto office on the campus of the University of Toronto or via secure video link.
12 Week Subscription Booking
Includes 12, one-on-one sessions, In-person or Online. Automatic weekly billing guarantees your time each week.
$174 + HST per week, automatically billed
This subscription service is for registered clients who wish to reserve a particular time as ‘their time’ each week.
Psychotherapy for Veterans, RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces Personnel (Virtual)
Medivie Blue Cross
Please use this link to book an appointment ONLY if you are A Veteran, RCMP, or Canadian Forces Personnel and covered under Medivie Blue Cross.
All appointment times once booked, can be self-managed (changed or canceled) up to 24 hours before the session. Use the link provided in your confirmation email.
In-person 'Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman' Appointments are available in Toronto, Canada only. This schedule can fill fast, and you may often be able to find a time slot in 'VIRTUAL Psychotherapy w Todd Kaufman' when his office times are not available. Please check 'VIRTUAL' appointments f you can not find a time slot else wise
Get in touch
On the Campus of
The University of Toronto
47 Queens Park East, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C3